Dan and Mae Hitchcock

Press Conference with Mrs. Meyer, Al Hendrix, Mae and Dan Hitchcock

This was the most amazing day. Totally unplanned.  We sent out a press release about the unveiling to all the media a couple of days in advance.   The OPEC Summit with President Bill Clinton was in Seattle the day before and  the world press was in town waiting to catch planes out of Seattle, so they all showed up at our unveiling, UPI, Associated Press, Reuters.  There were 50 press people in the standing room only space.  Dan always said “I could have set myself on fire and none of them would have shown up. But you mention Jimi Hendrix and BOOM! They are all there to check it out”!

For more information call Dan and Mae Hitchcock 541-487-4231,

Email- Hitchcockmastercode@gmail.com